
Ballana’s kittens: S-Litter 2014

Our list is currently closed to new applicants, and we do not have any available kittens.

As a breed, Siberians have great personalities, quiet trills, and make wonderful companions. We have bred Siberians for twenty years, and now raise kittens as a cooperative. Working with other families has allowed us to share the joys of breeding with other folks and their children. Raising one litter at a time gives each kitten more time, attention, and training. We want our kittens to be gentle with small children, patient where children have special needs, and treasured in their new homes.

Our kittens are confident, gentle, and make wonderful pets. Before they leave, we teach them to be gentle, not to claw furniture, and to obey simple commands. Our kittens are raised in the home and underfoot, learning to be calm despite everyday household noise. They are happier and more affectionate than cage-raised pets. Crumpled pieces of paper and kitten toys are scattered around our house. Before putting on our shoes, we check them for fuzzy mice and crinkle balls..

Tom & Meredith Lundberg

Siberians are often called “Hypoallergenic,” but this is misleading.  About 15% of Siberians have Fel d1 allergen levels that are suitable for families with moderate to severe cat allergies. Our Allergy Chart © below helps families understand the severity of their allergies. Compare the chart to how you would react when snuggling with a normal cat. (These reactions roughly correspond to a skin allergy tests (welt/wheal 1-5).

Allergen          Allergic Reaction by Severity                  © 2005, © revised 2024
Untested  – Allergen levels vary from very low to normal.
Normal – Not for homes with cat allergies
Medium – Mild eye irritation, stuffy nose, scratchy throat, mild symptoms
Low – Runny nose, eye irritation, coughing, few sneezes, light itching
Very Low – Light sneezing, runny nose, swollen eyes, mild rash, mild asthma
Extra Low – ER visits, rashes, hives, facial swelling, asthma, short of breath

Our kittens are registered with The International Cat Association.
TICA membership #15762

We maintain two related websites.
Kitten Testing sells allergen testing kits to Siberian breeders.  The website has information on testing and a current list of breeders in the US & Canada licensed to use our charts and allergen test kittens.

Siberian Research was a non-profit association created to study diseases affecting Siberians, primarily HCM. We maintain the website to increase awareness of the health issues affecting Siberians, but several links are broken and we have not updated it since 2014.

Tolya in fall leaves. This lovely red boy was our first Siberian.